Sooraj Shah

’s latest articles

How to simplify Kubernetes with a developer portal
Internal Developer Portal
Sep 5, 2024

How to simplify Kubernetes with a developer portal

Automated incident management: what is it, benefits, implementation
Internal Developer Portal
Sep 3, 2024

Automated incident management: what is it, benefits, implementation

How to build a platform engineering team
Platform Engineering
Aug 27, 2024

How to build a platform engineering team

Internal developer portals in real-life
Internal Developer Portal
Aug 26, 2024

Internal developer portals in real-life

How Checkmarx saved hundreds of thousands of dollars on developer environments with Port
Case Study
Aug 22, 2024

How Checkmarx saved hundreds of thousands of dollars on developer environments with Port

Observability in platform engineering
Platform Engineering
Aug 7, 2024

Observability in platform engineering

The benefits and pitfalls of platform engineering
Platform Engineering
Aug 6, 2024

The benefits and pitfalls of platform engineering

How to create a developer experience survey 
Developer Experience
Jul 30, 2024

How to create a developer experience survey 

7 Engineering Metrics to Track and Optimize
Jul 24, 2024

7 Engineering Metrics to Track and Optimize

Ultimate developer onboarding checklist for 2024
Internal Developer Portal
Jul 23, 2024

Ultimate developer onboarding checklist for 2024

What is an internal developer portal?
Internal Developer Portal
Jul 14, 2024

What is an internal developer portal?

Top 4 Backstage alternatives for 2024
Internal Developer Portal
Jul 11, 2024

Top 4 Backstage alternatives for 2024

The top 10 ways to use an internal developer portal: what we’ve learned from our customers
Internal Developer Portal
Jul 10, 2024

The top 10 ways to use an internal developer portal: what we’ve learned from our customers

 Gartner's "top 5 strategic technology trends in software engineering in 2024" report (key takeaways)
Internal Developer Portal
Jun 13, 2024

Gartner's "top 5 strategic technology trends in software engineering in 2024" report (key takeaways)

Production readiness checklist: ensuring smooth deployments
Internal Developer Portal
Jun 11, 2024

Production readiness checklist: ensuring smooth deployments

Top examples of service catalogs in action
Internal Developer Portal
Jun 6, 2024

Top examples of service catalogs in action

What is deployment frequency and how is it measured?
Internal Developer Portal
May 23, 2024

What is deployment frequency and how is it measured?

Give day-2 operations autonomy to your developers
Internal Developer Portal
May 13, 2024

Give day-2 operations autonomy to your developers

Internal developer portal MVP: how do I get started
Internal Developer Portal
May 6, 2024

Internal developer portal MVP: how do I get started

How internal developer portals improve incident management
Internal Developer Portal
May 1, 2024

How internal developer portals improve incident management

Developer experience metrics: best practices, key components and examples
Developer Experience
Apr 30, 2024

Developer experience metrics: best practices, key components and examples

Using the platform engineering maturity model to understand the commitment required for an internal developer platform
Internal Developer Portal
Mar 26, 2024

Using the platform engineering maturity model to understand the commitment required for an internal developer platform

Platform as a product: why an internal developer portal is key to your success
Internal Developer Portal
Mar 25, 2024

Platform as a product: why an internal developer portal is key to your success

What comes first: developer platform or developer portal?
Internal Developer Portal
Mar 20, 2024

What comes first: developer platform or developer portal?

How Libertex Group is continuously improving its developer experience using Port
Case Study
Mar 19, 2024

How Libertex Group is continuously improving its developer experience using Port

How AMCS Group embraced platform engineering with Port
Case Study
Mar 7, 2024

How AMCS Group embraced platform engineering with Port

How Clear Channel Outdoor used Port to reduce developer platform complexity and enable standardization
Case Study
Feb 29, 2024

How Clear Channel Outdoor used Port to reduce developer platform complexity and enable standardization

How can different user personas get the best out of an internal developer portal?
Internal Developer Portal
Feb 15, 2024

How can different user personas get the best out of an internal developer portal?

How TransferGo is revolutionizing developer experience with Port
Case Study
Jan 24, 2024

How TransferGo is revolutionizing developer experience with Port

The 2024 state of internal developer portal report
Internal Developer Portal
Dec 13, 2023

The 2024 state of internal developer portal report

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